Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Well a lot of things have changed since I posted last, in July! Man how time is flying!
Okay so Easton was supposed to have surgery mid August, so my parents and I took him to Ft Worth and got up early, got to the hospital and they told us that it sounded like he had an infection of some sort in his lower airway and would not perform surgery. So we came home and found out he had bronchitis.
So we reset the surgery date for September 13. Well this week we had to cancel and reschedule again because Easton has an ear infection and is on antibiotics.
SO we're giving him breathing treatments to keep his lungs & chest clear, and praying that the new date OCTOBER 4, he is healthy and happy and we can put this step behind us.
This has been a very emotional time for me, in particular, but we're getting through it and hopefully once it is put behind us, we can move forward and continue on.

In the meantime, Luke was working two jobs, at the Safety supply company and at UPS at night, well Early August he was offered a HIstory teacher/football coach job at one of the local Junior Highs, and he took it! He is really starting to enjoy it and I am able to help him out  a lot with his classroom stuff.
Also, I am working on getting in to a teacher certification program myself, so hopefully one of these days, we'll both have the semi-same schedule with summers off and the same days for Christmas etc....Im really excited about the new chapter in our lives!
Meanwhile I am still in the same job, though I have gone from working part time, back to working full time. I sure miss my afternoons with my Little Easton, but the money, and trying to save for a house, pay off some debt etc is worth it. I have gotten to know some of the people in daycare and I trust them, as much as you can trust someone else with your baby, that is.
Easton has gained plenty of weight, and I do not have any reservations about him not eating or anything with them. Last week at the Dr he weighed in at 16 lbs 1 oz :) My little chunky monkey!

We have had a few play dates with Miss Emily, and Aunt Skye that have been a lot of fun, and now that football season has started we will be going to see both Daddy's games and Michaels games!!
Easton also loves going to Nana & Papa's house and hanging out! His Papa is the best, he just loves him!

Here are pictures from  the last couple of months...