Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas season Blessings

Christmas is upon us and I’ve been stressing about money and how will we be able to buy this present or that….and suddenly this week I feel like God shook me and told me to get a grip, stop feeling sorry for yourself and look at your life!

WOW! He is right. I am far more blessed than I deserve. Sometimes I think we have to come down to reality and take a good long hard look at our lives. What I call a bad month money wise would be a dream for so many. When I think I have nothing to wear, I have WAY more clothes than SO many and when I think we have nothing to eat in the house, well how spoiled am I to say that? I have a pantry full of food while so many go hungry.

Who cares if we can’t spend the amount of $ we think we should be able to? Is that REALLY what we should be concerned about? NO! Why do we worry about this? Because someone might be disappointed that their Christmas gift didn’t cost much? Well I’ve learned some lessons in the last few weeks, there are a LOT More important things going on in my world to be concerned about how much I spend on that gift or how much you spent on mine. How incredibly selfish and awful are we to really care? What happened to “it’s the thought that counts”? If I put effort into thinking about something to give you as a gift, that represents the love I have for you, the respect I have for you, a Christmas gift symbolizing the gifts received by THE KING from the wisemen. Why does money value matter? It shouldn’t.
This Christmas I am so incredibly happy and blessed. My life is wonderful. There are so many things to Thank God for, so many things I tend to forget or look past and then I become selfish and think I deserve more, when in reality I don’t deserve what I have!

I have an amazing husband, who loves me unconditionally, who stands by me and works hard, and whom I love more than I ever thought possible.

I have a miracle growing inside of me. I am MAKING a human life. Part me, part Luke, all God and all Love. He will be our pride and joy and Nothing makes me happier than to envision our future.

I was raised by the most wonderful parents. They love and support me unconditionally. They continue to always be my rock and my sounding board. They are the reason I am who I am.

I have a brother and sister whom I feel are my best friends, they can make me laugh and love and protect me unlike any other.

I have extended family that is so wonderful, who I know and am able to communicate with.

We have a roof over our head, with heat and a/c. A kitchen to make meals, a comfortable warm bed to sleep in at night, a closet full of clothes and shoes, a washing machine so that I do not hav eto wear those clothes dirty, a kitchen full of food and clean water to drink.

I have a job that helps provide for my family, and health insurance that ensures I get the best health care.

We have our sweet Alli, our fur baby, who loves us and is ALWAYS happy to see us, no matter how long we’ve been gone or how much she thinks she’s mistreated.

We are blessed to have vehicles to get us where we need to go safely.

I am surrounded by wonderful people, angels, that I call friends. People who are honest with me, love me, listen to me, support me and make me smile. People I can cry with and laugh with. A few people in this massive world who actually understand me and what I go through. And who I hope I am as good to, as they are to me.

I live in a country where I am allowed to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, vote, live how I wish.

This just scratches the surface….but after the last few weeks that we have had, I needed to write them down. I am so blessed. These things are gifts from God and how dare I be so selfish to think that I am worthy of even more than this?

Thank you God for all of these things and the millions of  other blessings I haven’t mentioned.

Merry Christmas everyone!
Count your blessings and remember the TRUE reason we celebrate!

Our precious little miracel! Easton Landry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Katie, you are so right! You are so blessed. All of us are blessed and have so much to be grateful. Good health is a huge blessing, too. Thanks for putting things back into perspective for all of us.
Love you! Momma Terry