Friday, June 18, 2010

things I've learned and am learning...

I did this a long time ago, got the idea from Miss Kendall...I thought I’d do it again and see how different it is now, from 2 years ago...

Things Ive learned, continue to learn and will learn

1. The most important people in my life are my family, they will always love me and support me unconditionally. My family is derived from the most amazing people to ever walk this earth, and the fruit doesnt fall far from the tree, They're awesome, and I will live every day and try my hardest not to take them for granted.

2. There is something to be said for an organized, clean, neat home...on the otherhand I can say a lot about an unorganized, messy dirty home. Luke and I both have option #2...not a great combination when you're both slobs...i think one of us needs to develop slight cleanliness OCD...

3. Living with a man has been a lot easier adjustment than ever thought it would be. I do believe that when you really love someone that makes things so much easier.

4. I am still working on learning to let go of other peoples judgements on me. I do not have to please everyone, I live for myself, not for other people…someone said once “its not my business what other people think about me” im trying to live that way of thinking.

5. There are times when being selfish is necessary for ones own sense of peace, or ones stability…but there is a fine line that is drawn between that point and being down right ridiculous…most people don’t know where to draw that line. I hope I do.

6. Silly things don’t matter, little annoyances, the bow isn’t put in the RIGHT place, your clothes aren’t hung up in order, there is a comma where a semi-colon should be…those things don’t matter. We’re only here a short period and only GOD knows how short that time actually is, no sense stressing about the small stuff.

7. Luke and I are broke, we live in a teeny apartment, we’re cramped in and everything is a mess around the house, BUT these will be the happy days we will tell our children about and laugh about some day. We will tell them that when we first started out we had nothing, boxes stacked to the ceiling in a tiny apartment, the dog pooped on the floor and usually took up most of our little Full size bed, and we’ll laugh abut how LOVE got us through. When I think of it that way, I’m not so stressed about paying bills or worried about where groceries are going to come from…We should enjoy this time more, and learn from it.

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