Wednesday, September 21, 2011

counting my blessings

So amongst all the craziness going on around us, we tend to forget just how incredibly blessed we are. Thinking about this today made me think I should really count my blessings! So I have decided to share 5 blessings every day! Maybe you can share too and we can all open each others eyes to all the blessings around us every day and focus more on the positive, all the Wonderful things God hass given us, instead of the negativity.

Sometimes I think we need to help each other out when it comes to counting the countless blessings...I might realize a blessing you havent thought of! SO 5 every day I will share :)

1. My husband, Luke.

2. This tiny miracle growing in my belly.

3. My amazing parents, and all they taught and continue to teach me.

4. Alli, our furbaby.

5. The fact that we're employed.

Have you counted your blessings today?


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