Friday, April 27, 2012

Three weeks into parenthood

Well we have survived the first three weeks of parenthood, and I'd be lying if I said it has been an easy transition.
I am getting stronger every day, I still have some discomfort and it hurts to sneeze or laugh really hard :) but nothing major. Easton is just beginning to show his little personality and he is definitely showing his temper and attitude. (Must get that from his Daddy)
Dad and I are starting to get used to the lack of sleep, (OH what I wouldnt do for a full 8 hours of sleep), and we are starting to learn how to be parents. We thought we were ready, and I thought I would catch on fast, but its not been nearly as easy as I thought it would be. We're learning and it is getting easier.
We are incredibly blessed with Easton, he is the light of our lives, and what an amazing little miracle he is. He makes me smile every day, sometimes I cry when he is crying :) but Im so proud to have brought him in to this world.
Meanwhile our family has endured some health issues and other trials lately. Mostly I am finding out how strong we all are, how muchI appreciate each member of my family and jsut how much love I feel for them. God is being kind to us, and continues to bless us.

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