Im so sick and tired of the Mommy wars!
I breast fed so Im better. I formula fed so I am smarter.
I cloth diaper Im more eco friendly. Cloth diapers are gross.
Home made baby food!
Store bought!
Similac!! Store Brand!!
No Pacifier! Pacifier till they'r 4!
Extended rear facing!! Turn them at 12 months!!
When did it become ANYONE's business how I raise my child?
Is it NOT every mother's goal to raise healthy, thriving, happy children? What difference does it make if I used organic home made baby food or not to get there?
Since when do we have to judge everything that all other mothers do and try to make them look and feel bad about themselves?
Let me tell you something, and I don't think Im alone here.
As some people may have it ALL figured out, and know exactly what they're doing. I dont.
There have been many days where I am just trying to survive and get through the day. What difference does it make if I use Target brand scented baby wipes or cloth re-usable ones?
Breastfeeding. OK! I know "Breast is best" BUT it does not make me a bad mother because I didnt do it.
Honestly, I was lucky to get a bottle in his mouth those first few months. It was not easy. I had a really hard time. All I was concerned about was making sure he was gaining the weight he was supposed to be, able to eat and swallow on his own. Why does anyone care that it was Similac that got us there? Its great if you breast fed! Good for you! Now move on. I dont care if you do it in public. I dont care if you do it until your child has braces. Its your business, not mine! So why are we judging each other?
You are no better than I am and I am no better than you. We are all just trying to survive!
Can we just agree that as mothers, we ALL have different likes, tastes, styles but the ultimate goal is the same. To raise good, healthy, happy, thriving children, and STOP with the judgements, the forcing opinions on each other and bragging about how much better we are doing?
I want to brag that my son measured at 5 months ahead of where he is cognitively.
That, 2 weeks ago the Dr said he needed physical therapy because he wasnt walking, but last night he was walking in circles in the living room.
I want to brag that my child is saying "Dada" and "ni-ni" and he wasnt even born with the reflex to put his tongue to the roof of his mouth.
I want to brag that he's learning to chew crunchy things and not just melt them and try to swallow.
THATS what I want to brag about, not the fact that I was a better mother because I chose to imunize when you didnt. Who cares?!
We have got to stop trying to make other Mothers feel bad. We all feel like we don't do enough as it is!
I struggle daily with, does he play with the right toys? Did he eat enough fruits/veggies? Did he drink enough water? Should I have watered his juice down more? Is that the right kind fo cartoon? Should he be learning faster?
I do this to myself, I dont need other mothers doing it to me! None of us do!
When does it stop?!
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