Saturday, January 8, 2011

2010 Holiday season

Well the holidays have come and gone, a new year has begun, and a whole new chapter in my life is about to begin as well!
As I lay here on the couch, Luke is playing Donkey Kong on the Wii and I thought I would get everything uptodate on my blog, when I realized, in two short months Im going to have to change my blogs Name, because it will be a blog about the Ellis's :) hehe

So November started with Lukes birthday, which was pretty low key for us. Luke and I went to BEst Buy and he picked out a brand new laptop, which was his bday present, and I made him a chocolate chip cookie cake and chicken & stuffing dinner....THe next night the whole family went and ate at Clear springs.

Just 5 days later was Moms bday, in which time we went to On the Border and ate dinner, then went back to Mom and Dads and had Cake!
Here is a picture of mom hugging Dads neck on her bday ( he got her a new Dooney & Burke purse, which ahs become a bit of a tradition with them...)

Ok so Thanksgiving was at Skye's house this year, as tradition, and it was a great time. I however was unable to eat any of the wonderfully smelling food that had been so wonderfully prepared. I had been sick for over a week at that point and was unable to eat more than a few bites a time. I believe now it was a weird start to a BAD stomach bug Luke and i would have later, or maybe the flare up of a possible ulcer. At any rate Im now on nexium haha :)
HEre is a picture of the whole clan on Thanksgiving.
After THanksgiving Luke and I got a TERRIBLE stomach bug, and Im pretty sure it was a form of Shigellosis that was going around Midland, it lasted an entire week! So on top of my previous stomach sickness I lost around 17 lbs in about 3 weeks, and Luke hasnt weighed but Im pretty sure he lost 6-7 himself that week alone. We were pretty miserable there...BUT we're well now!

Between Thanksgiving and Christmas we spent a weekend with Lukes Dad and his family in Temple Texas! THey are such a fun bunch and I feel so blessed to have gotten to spend that time with them! I think they liked me alright too!! SO we had an early Christmas with them!

Luke took me and we picked out or very first Christmas tree and decorations this year and we put it up before Thanksgiving even!!! It was so beautiful!!
Before we knew it Christmas Day was here! Luke and I both went a little overboard shopping for one another probably but thats ok, we had fun doing it and to watch his little face light up is worth it to me!  :)
We had a wonderful first Christmas in our own home together! Then after we had breakfast here we went to Mom and Dads and had CHristmas there and stayed all day! It was such a wonderfully blessed day to celebrate Jesus Christs birthday! Lots of GREAT food, family, love and of course the spoiled rotten dogs! THey all got gifts from Santa too!

Last Christmas celebration for us was in Denton at Aunt Sandi's and Uncle Perrys house over New Years weekend. I will say, sadly, we're old fogies and hardly made it till Midnight. We toasted at 11:00 PM (midnight EST) and went back to the hotel. At Midnight CST we were laying in bed dozing off watching "THe 300" lol
Over all the holidays were, yet again, a wonderful time, full of amazing memories with the Family and with friends!!

In the meantime Luke and I are still planning the wedding! We're getting so close we're beginning to taste it! A little over 2 months to go! We can not WAIT to be husband and wife, begin this new chapter in our lives and just move on with the rest of our life! We're so incredibly blessed right now.

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