Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I have so much in my life that is stressful, so many things that I wish I could make easier, or different. But I was reflecting on THOSE things this morning and I had a realization that I really have no right to want to change anything!
My life is perfect! Sure improvements could always be made, I could lose weight, we could make more money, buy a house, I could be a gourmet cook in the kitchen lol
But in reality are those things that important?
I am so incredibly blessed and I really do appreciate what I have.

First of all, I realize now that I probably never gave my parents the appreciation or showed enough gratitiude that they deserve. Now that I have my own child I see just a small percentage of what they have done for me. WOW! As a kid you never realize what youre parents sacrafice or do for you, to ensure your health & happiness. My parents have done more for me and now for my family then I could EVER even begin to repay. How amazing they are. THey have been such wonderful role models too! almost 50 years of marriage, they raised three kids in different decades, they supported and continue to support and love us unconditionally. THank you Mom and Dad for everything.

Secondly what an amazing husband I have! Sure he gets on my nerves when he stuffs his socks in the couch cushions, or leave his dirty plate in the living room (lol!) But he is sucha a wonderful man. He loves me, and I love him so much. Never could I have imagined a love like we have. I used to be very independent, didnt need a man, didnt think I'd ever be dependent on one, well sure I can survive with out him, but I dont want to, ever. He is incredible, a man of God, a man who strives to be better, provide better, be stronger, for me. No one else on this earth has made me want to be the woman I am and strive to be better than he has.

Third, We have this amazing little baby boy. 1/2 me, 1/2 Luke, he is wonderful. He is the light of my life, he is everything that makes our life together as a family complete. He is strong, happy, healthy (Other than these bouts of colds...) and his smile makes life ok! God has really put a lot of faith in me, and really must have thought Luke & I were special to give us such an inspirational child.

So in appreciation of the people in my life, my family, my friends, God. I just say THANK YOU.
Sometimes I get down and think things are SO hard, but in reality, things could be so much worse, there are people who would give anything to have the things I have, relationships, love, friends...THANK YOU

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