Monday, October 1, 2012

Wow what a 6 months

Six months ago today I was in a bit of a panic to get things ready, because in 3 days I would be checking in to Midland Memorial to have Easton. We had no idea how our lives would change, and I was terrified. Boy, have our  lives changed!
In the last 6 months I have learned a lot, learned I didnt know as much as I thought; I have seen God's true miracles and beauty; I have seen who really cares about me, and my family; we became parents; I've been an emotional wreck; Easton has been sick almost constantly now for 2 months; I worked part time; Ive worked full time; I've missed a LOT of work; I cried hysterically for days before having to leave Easton in daycare; I've cried hysterically and carried enormous guilt for having to put him through surgery; I've had a small bout of post partum depression and even took medication for it; Luke has changed jobs; he worked two jobs, now he is a teacher/coach; We moved. TWICE, once in with my family for a month, then in to a new apartment. We put an offer on a house, then realized financially we couldnt do it, and had to back out. We have travelled to Fort Worth many times for Dr appointments; We have received bad news from Drs and good news; Family members have had health scares; We have monitored closely Eastons weight gain, after 2 months of NOT gaining weight; We learned out to get "gunk" out of his throat after a couple of choking episodes; We continue to teach people about Cleft Lips/palates; We've dealt with side eye looks and double takes from people who realize his lip is not "normal".  We have had some real disappointment in both situations and in people. But the most important thing is that Luke and I have gone through it all together, we are stronger for it and, WE ARE PARENTS!
Easton's smile brightens my day. He makes all of the lows worth it, and he is the main source of all of the highs. He is an incredible baby. Because of him we have seen some incredible kindness in people, we have also seen some cruelty, but thats ok, because we can try & teach those.
I never in a million years could have imagined what would happen in the first 6 months of being a Mom. I definitely would not have been able to predict what we have been through, the things I have mentioned are just skimming the surface. There have been really emotional and tough nights. But there have been so many jubilant and wonderful times. I dont expect it will ever get any easier, or less emotional for me; I am a woman, I am emotional, and I have very sensitive feelings.
I have come off as a very strong person who knows exactly what I am doing and handling things perfectly well, but in reality I am a mess a lot of the time. But thats ok! God has gotten us through these first 6 months just as he will the next 6 months. He has shown us Love unlike I have ever understood. Love for Easton, Love from Easton. Love from strangers who send us kind words, love from family and friends who support us and do not push their personal opinions on us. and Faith that no matter what people say or do, things will be ok. This is a Faith I had to learn when we first found out Eston had a cleft. A Faith that didnt come so easily for me. But I have it now, and its stronger than I have ever felt.
WOW What a 6 months it has been!

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