Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Are you sure it's not Monday?

Well, yes, Im sure it's not monday, at least the calendar says it's tuesday, it sure feels like a Monday though, doesnt it?
I'm not feeling work today, thats why, instead of working I am blogging :) Yes you read that right, Im skipping out on work to blog, like none of you ahve ever done that before :)

Well I didn't sleep again last night and these mid afternoon headaches are getting to be too much. I know they're from the lack of sleep Im getting and it's my body telling me to lay down and take a nap. I'm pretty sure though, that the people who already dislike me at work, wouldn't take too kindly to my sleeping during the afternoon, even though that would be much more productive then what I have been doing lately anyway :)

Well I was sent this today in an email and I find the words in it to bring me comfort I printed it out and plan to pray this prayer everytime I feel down or beaten. I hope they can brighten or help someone else too...
Dear Lord, My focus has been on my circumstances instead of on You. Today, I chose to put my trust in You. I believe that You are aware of my situation and are working on my behalf. Fill my soul with peace and help me to rest in Your care. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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