Thursday, September 4, 2008

True Patriotism

I dont know how many people watched John McCain's speech tonight at the RNC, but here it is.
If you don't want to watch the entire speech forward to about the 36-37 minute mark and listen to this AMERICAN Hero tell the story of his time in Vietnam as a POW and the men who saved him and kept him alive. How many people do you know would give up freedom and home for his country and the other prisoners with him who would be worse off if he left and he would feel as a coward? I dont know that I've ever met many people who had that kind of heart and love for his fellow Americans and friends.
We have the right to fight for and vote for whomever we choose. But I do hope that, like I, you take a good look at what you want in a President, I know I want a TRUE PATRIOT, and real American, someone who's been there and who loves this country and wants to see us succeed...Im not really very political but this man I believe is an amazing guy. Just watch it, see if it doesn't bring a tear to your eye or make you feel slightly guilty for having not done anything .000001% at brave as he has.

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