Sunday, May 22, 2011

Things I do not understand...

So I can be pretty naive sometimes...sheltered maybe....I live in my little bubble, life is happy here, Im a good person, I try to surround myself with good things, and ultimately I AM a happy person....but there are things that just baffle me, things that, though I am an intelligent human being and I think I've got a good dose of common sense that I do not understand....

How do two people just suddenly STOP being know someone for 15 years or more, one day your friends, and then before you know it, it's been months since you have heard from that person. And even then it was YOU who contacted them. What makes a person just STOP contacting a person whom they've deemed they're good friend?
I know people drift apart, but over night?
I'll just throw this out there, if you call me your best friend, you will call me occasionally, and answer when I call you. Otherwise....dont call me anything. :)

How on earth do people NOT believe in God? What is your purpose for living if you have no Faith in Heaven and Hell and working to do good to spend eternity with Our Saviour? What gets you out of bed int he morning? WHY do you work, have friendships and relationships? What would be the purpose? And how do youexplain everyday occurances that I attribute to Gods blessings? When you have noone and nothing, do you pray? Who do you talk to? There is absolutely no logic in this at all. God is real, he's alive, and I see his glory everyday, I can't wrap my mind around the torture it must be, to live a life with out that faith.

OKay that is all for now....just a couple of things I have rattling around in my head this morning, wanted to get them down on paper...

Now Im going to curl up on the couch, ont his sunday afternoon, watch a movie with my husband and think about what to make for dinner (Enchiladas and Papas I think...I'll post a recipe after i make them!!)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I know what you mean about the friends thing. I've stopped being friends with some people. Occassionally it's over drama and since they want to be petty, there is no need for them in my life.