Monday, May 2, 2011

God Bless America! (5/1/2011)

This morning we wake up to an Osama Bin Laden free world. This weekend he was sent for his judgment by the one who has determined Bin Laden’s eternity. I do not wish death, on anyone, but this one is long awaited and well overdue. I’m also a selfish, egotistical American and am glad it is the United States Military who will go down in history as the force that finally brought him down!

I’m not naïve enough to think that this cures all the problems with Al Quaeda and the middle east, but the symbol of evil that Bin Laden has been to the world and to the United States, he is GONE, no more wondering, no more cryptic videos in caves, messages to the media…he’s gone. Hallelujah!

I’ll never forget where I was that fateful day 9/11/2001. I was 2 weeks into my very first college semester. Angelo State University in San Angelo Texas. I was actually still going to my classes at this point. I got up, got dressed and went to class. When I got out of that 9:00 class my phone started ringing off the hook “turn on the TV” “you’ll never believe what’s happening” I went to my next class which was dismissed so that we could all go home and watch. I went back to the dorm and Kendall and I sat on our beds, cried and watched TV for hours, days even. Our generation, as short as our lives have been, has seen a lot of devastation, a lot of BIG events in our lifetimes. But this one day, those few minutes, those thousands of lives, this, in my opinion is the defining moment of our generation. I was 18 years old, living in my little sunshine and rainbows bubble in West Texas and suddenly, the world changed, overnight, things were no longer sunshine and rainbows, a dark cloud loomed over the United States, but in that same dark cloud a ray of sunshine, patriotism spiked, a sense of community and country came to life and we fought back.

Almost 10 years later, the man responsible for that dark day and the following days is no longer walking the earth. He is being judged by the only Judge that matters, he is answering for his sins, and he’s probably asking where all his virgins are…Yeah they’re not there…Burn in Hell Osama Bin Laden, for the Millions of lives you’ve affected, for the Thousands of people you killed, for the evil you posses and the suffering you caused.

Thank you to the United States Military. God Bless you! And God Bless America!

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